One of the units I am taking at the moment is an Entrepreneur unit which basically involves putting in place everything to set up and run my own business, which will come later in the school year. I am looking at launching my own clothing brand and so have been busy sussing out my competition, which has involved a lot of highlighting, post it writing and many a tea break. In this process of compiling bits of paper and visiting numerous online stores, my bedroom has gone from my relaxing room to hell!! I have tried to organise it time and time again during today but it keeps going back to the stress zone! (See Pictures below!)
My attempt at organising my bed area!
Note impressive amount of library books and home made organisation chart! Geek Alert!
As well as suffering from lack of focus and a very sore head I am actually convinced that my toes are frost bitten and need chopping off. Then suddenly I remembered the woolly slippers I bought from an indoor market in Poland during my backpacking trip in the summer and had to get them out. I'm not going to lie, I cant be entirely sure which fur and wool is lining these little booties, but they are soo snugly and warm, and I love them so much. I brought them for just under 30 zloty which is the equivalent of just over £6. Amazing. Best investment ever.
Anyways once warm to try and motivate myself on came the music and out came some terrible dance moves (distracting). I think this is going to be a long week if progress continues like this, but I genuinely need to achieve a lot of things by Friday. Anyone else feeling the work crunch? I hope I'm not alone on this one.