My exciting news is that I have been given an unconditional offer to go back to University and top up my degree, waahhooo. I graduated last year having completed a Fda degree which was only 2 years of study, all be it two very intense years. I could have done the third year last year and topped up my degree into an BA Hons, but it would have meant moving to a completely different course, which I didn't really feel was for me. I decided to give the industry a go, but on hearing my old course were adding a third year I decided to reapply and top up my degree. I am now really excited to return to my studies to get some more design experience, and to complete a number of placements as well as explore the industry further. I loved my time at AIB and can't wait to go back!

With the news that I am going back to uni I am busying myself cleaning up my portfolio and setting out some clear goals. I really want this final year to cement some ideas I have about possible careers paths and to really build up my portfolio of work and gain as much experience as possible. I worked so hard on my degree to achieve top grades, and I intend to do the same next year so I will be working hard setting myself up to do as well as possible.
Aside from this education preparation I am continuing to work on swimwear collections as well as putting my pattern cutting and sewing skills to use by helping out a friend with her final collection. Its so easy to let your skills get rusty and forgotten especially with something so complex as pattern cutting, so having the chance to refresh them is really enjoyable. It has also been an opportunity to test my knowledge and has actually boosted my confidence knowing I still have my abilities. I love working with other people, and think her designs are beautiful. I really can't wait for the final outcome and will definitely post pictures once they are finished.

While I have been taking this year out I have been using this blog as a way of tracking my progress and developing my views and thoughts about the fashion industry. It is important to me that my writing skills are as polished as my design capabilities as communication is so important in the fashion industry. Press releases, reviews and reports need to use more complex comprehension then my more colloquial blogging style. Perhaps this blog doesn't really reflect this ethos, but the more I write the less of a block I will have once I return to my education. A number of my friends have been working on their own blogs to achieve similar things, and so to develop my blog we are going to collaborate on a number of articles and cross reference to share our thoughts and opinions of the fashion industry as well as social and cultural ideas.
All of these individual aspects that I am working to develop are important in order to become a well rounded fashion professional. I enjoy developing my skills and furthering my interest in various subject areas. I am going to be non stop busy preparing to return to university, but will try hard to keep my blog updated and filled with things are are inspiring me and updates about whats new. I am really excited and scared about the next year but using this focus will hopefully help me get ready.

As well as looking forward to going back I am preparing to do a bit of globe trotting before hand to gather new inspiration and have a well earned break. I am going to New York for my birthday in June to celebrate in style. Broadway, shopping and sight seeing are all in order with a number of artistic visits planned too. Then I am fingers crossed going to travel Europe in the summer. I love European cities more then anything in the world, the culture, the art, the languages and everything about them inspire me. I have been mapping my route which will include; Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Greece, Turkey, Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania, Austria, The Czech Republic, and Poland. Every city will be different, and I can't wait to see what Europe has to offer. The trip is very ifs and buts at the moment, but hopefully it will all figure out soon. I am very inspired by European fashion so hopefully this will provide some good things to add to the blog.

Anyways, that's all my updates for now, keep watching for new/old blogs to appear.