A little window into my world

Monday, 7 December 2009

Inspirational people come in all different forms

Beauty, image, and fashion are all words we associate with the 'youth of today'. We often look up to celebrities and modern day icons for inspiration on how we should live our lives. Yet, this past weekend I met Rose, who for the second time captured my imagination, and inspired me in ways I never expected. But it was not the 'conventional' that captured me, for Rose is a fiesty 91 year old with a thirst for life, fashion and people.

Having lost her fiance in one of the great wars, Rose married later in life, but sadly her husband passed away many years ago. She told me how she figured she would pass on months later, but her love for life has kept her going. With no children, and no other family rose made many life long friends with people in her small village on the moors. Living in a tin house and surviving in the freezing cold with no heating or way of getting out, rose has show remarkable strength of character, one of her many qualities that has inspired me. She recently was moved into a care home to ensure her a better quality of life. A move that certainly didnt come without a fight.

Not only does rose miss her little tin house on the moors, but she misses the freedom she had. Over afternoon tea with myself and magsie, she told me how she cried many a night when they moved her. As nice as the warmth is, and being looked after, she finds old people very boring. The people in her home dont enjoy going out, but she loves venturing to town and buying glamourous clothing. No one said getting old meant giving up on your image.

Sneaking a 91 year old and her new Hobbs wardrobe into a quaint, nursing home wasn't exactly how I imagined I would be spending my Saturday afternoons, but who knew it could be so fun. In her small room, the care Rose takes on her image is clear. Nothing less then Estee Lauder make up will do. Moisturiser, lip balms, hair products, and mirrors are neatly laid out on her dressing table. Her wardrobe is full of beautiful vintage charms, sectioned into various outfits.

It is not just the love she has of fashion and beauty that is remarkable. Her thirst for life, and her resiliance to conforming, even at this great 'old' age, set her apart from all the other residents in the care home. As Rose would say "You are as youg as you feel", and if this is the case, Rose will be around for many a year to come. Meeting Rose has made me think about my life, and the challenges I face. I hope I can learn a thing or two from Rose about living a happy, successfull, and glamourous life.

Life is for living, right until the end. Once you give up on life, life will give up on you. Make the most of what you have and over come hardship with a smile. Look good, feel good, do good. Life long lessons from a lovely lady who has seen it all. Perhaps its time we stopped looking to the rich and famous for inspiration on how to live our lives, and how to present ourselves. Maybe its the unusual people in life that will make us realise, we are all special and beautiful in our own unique way. Just a thought.
